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Contact us for virtual speaking and training!

Your sessions at ASAE were fantastic. My entire mindset on feedback has done a 180. I now invite and share feedback with my staff, it has had a very positive impact on our culture.

You have a fantastic message and an awesome presentation style.

Tara Bishop, CAE, Associate Executive Director Happy Client Logo
How to Say Anything to Anyone by Shari Harley

Leadership Speaking & Development:
Avoiding the Quit & Stay Phenomenon Engage & Retain Your Best Employees

avoiding the quit and stay thumbnailWalk by your employees’ desks and see them surfing the internet? The bad news: They’re not researching how to improve the company’s results. They’re playing fantasy football or shopping for shoes. The good news: You can incent performance and raise morale. And you don’t have to spend any money.

When turnover is low, employees still quit – they just don’t leave the building. Quit and stay is the phenomenon of employees becoming disengaged and less productive while waiting for other roles to become available. Quit and stay is an unfortunate but avoidable phenomena.

  • Do you know which of your employees are engaged and committed to your organization?
  • Do you have a plan for those who are not?

Benefits of Leadership Speaking:

  • Bring the fun and camaraderie back to work. Make work a place people want to be.
  • Recognize performance without spending money.
  • Find out why your employees stay with your organization and what would make them leave.
  • Develop a loyal and committed workforce.
  • Get the best from employees.

Leadership Speaking Program Length:

45-minutes to a full day, depending on scope of corporate training and development.

Leadership Speaking Presentation Style:

The program is interactive, fun, relevant and packed with immediately applicable tips and techniques.

Who Should Attend Our Management Speaking Program:

Leaders, managers, supervisors and HR professionals.


Click Here to Contact Shari | 303.863.0948

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