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Best keynote speaker ever at NCHRA.  Only presenter I didn’t tune out!

This one made the conference for me – thanks!

Thanks for the feedback formula.  It will give me steps to take when I’m back at the office and I have o deal with conversations that are tough to have.

Shari was a fantastic presenter; engaging and passionate about her subject matter.

She had great examples of ways to apply her concepts in work & personal life.

Great “how to” presenter.  Please ask her back!

Northern California Human Resources Association Members Happy Client Logo
How to Say Anything to Anyone by Shari Harley

Our Business Training Philosophy:
Information is Power. Power is Control. The Case for a Candid Culture

What is a candid culture and why would you want one?

Shari Harley Have you:

  • Been surprised by employee or customer turnover?
  • Wondered what your boss thought about your performance?
  • Had employees surfing the internet who had more than enough work to do?
  • Tired of the meeting-after-the-meeting, when employees talk about what they really think of new policies and initiatives?

Most of us don’t know:

  • Why our employees came to work for us and what makes them stay.
  • Why our customers picked us over someone else, and what would have them replace us.

If you can’t answer these questions, you aren’t managing your business. It is managing you.

Customers leave and we don’t know why. Departments don’t communicate and produce redundant work. Teams struggle to get along, waste time gossiping and rarely think they need conflict management training.

Candid cultures create business relationships in which customers’, employees’ and colleagues’ preferences are clear.

Candid Culture

The Confusion about Candor: Whatever comes after the question, “Can I be candid?” is sure to be important. Unfortunately, many people associate this question and the word candor with bad news.

Setting the record straight on candor: Candor is not bad news, and a candid culture is not about saying hard things. Candor is asking more questions at the onset of relationships. Candor is stating expectations rather than expecting employees and vendors to read your mind. It’s a commitment to talk about things as they happen, not six months after the fact.

Don’t guess what people want and what would make them stay or leave. Our business training and conflict management training teaches professionals how to ask candid questions.

In Candid Cultures customers and employees say what they need to say quickly and easily, because leaders have created relationships in which both customers and employees can say anything without concern. And, with our business training, you can too.

You can create relationships with your customers and employees with no surprises, giving you more power and control over your results.

More candor means fewer surprises and longer term, satisfied customers and employees.

Never be fired by a customer or employee again – and be surprised.


Click Here to Contact Shari | 303.863.0948