Call Shari 303-863-0948 or Email Us

Contact us for virtual speaking and training!

Thank you so much for the time you spent with Frito Lay this morning! It was fantastic – the team raved about it all afternoon. Some people just have the “gift” of public speaking — and you’ve got it!
You definitely were the highlight of the meeting.

Kassy Schimkaitis, Human Resources Manager Happy Client Logo
How to Say Anything to Anyone by Shari Harley

Leadership, Sales & Business Communication Training
See Change Happen

Every program can be offered remotely!

Communication Training

Training Programs Offered:

Training Services Offered:

  • Design and deliver leadership, sales and business communication training.
  • Speak about leadership, sales and business communication at meetings and events.
  • Facilitate meetings, retreats and strategic planning sessions.
  • Coach and consult with executives, leaders and board members.

“Best speaker at the conference, no contest. Hands down . . . Shari Harley. If every business enterprise in America had a Shari Harley on staff, doublespeak and baloney would wither and die in short order.”
SHRM Conference Attendee

Anything but boring. Shari uses her real world, business experience and direct and energetic speaking style to bring her leadership, sales and communication training programs to life. Each training program is packed with business examples and relevant and meaningful application. Training programs are interactive, engaging and way more fun than you would even think is possible.

No cookie cutter solutions. Shari researches your organization and industry to speak your language and understand your business. Shari customizes every business training program. Participants leave with solutions to their business challenges: they know exactly what to do and how to do it.

All leadership, training, sales management training and business communication training programs range in length from one hour to multiple sessions and are delivered on a schedule that works for your organization.


Click Here to Contact Shari | 303.863.0948