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Shari’s presentation was engaging, humorous and real to life. It was like talking to a friend with something important to say. She provided great tips on dealing with customers and co-workers. I would recommend this class to anyone who works with either the public or co-workers.

Annual Conference Attendee Happy Client Logo

Training Testimonials

funny keynote speaker

You were really great at my meeting in Austin last month—I really appreciate the little things you did to customize the program for the audience. Great energy;  it was really a great event.  There quite a buzz at dinner that night, and I know that you made an impact with my staff.

Dale Weiss, SVP, Planning, Permitting and Licensing Happy Client Logo

For months now your material (via my HR Department) has improved my communication and connection with my team of employees and customers.  But I had no idea the profound way getting to meet you and getting to go through a program personally would impact me.  You are a ROCKSTAR!

What impresses me the most about your teachings is the practicality.

Jenna Anderson, VP/Branch Manager Happy Client Logo

I have been talking about you and your material since your class.  It was superb.

I have been to three really good classes in my 24 years in law enforcement and your class was the best.  I would be willing to send folks to any of your topics on communication skills and/or leadership.

Kim Stewart, Town of Erie Police Department Happy Client Logo

You’re helping me make great people better people……I’m so proud of how my employees are applying what you did for us.

Bobby Herrera, President Happy Client Logo

We loved the training! I’ve gotten positive feedback from everyone. They all thought it was well worth their time.

Lauren Mueller, Director of Human Resources Happy Client Logo

I cannot tell you how many emails I received from attendees who said they have never attended a training seminar that they enjoyed and got so much out of. All have asked if we could do it again, and those who didn’t attend are hoping we will offer the training again so they may attend the next time.

Jan Sloat, Human Resources Manager Happy Client Logo

Shari, I thought the session was great. I was surprised by how much participation we got! I am really happy that so many in the group seem very open to the feedback.

Gail Lehman, General Counsel Happy Client Logo

I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and am going to integrate some of the many tips you taught us in our presentation tomorrow!  You can tell you’ve got quite the background and certainly made it a whole lot interesting that all of the other trainings we’ve been through.

Tye Westmark Happy Client Logo

The session with Shari went great, as expected! She is well received by our employees, and delivers top notch training.  We are so happy that she was available for us!

Adams County Government Happy Client Logo

My managers stopped by to tell me that they got a lot out of your session today, and they are really looking forward to the entire three-part series.  The early feedback is that you have us off to a great start in changing our culture!

Kristen Adams Happy Client Logo

Your sessions at ASAE were fantastic. My entire mindset on feedback has done a 180. I now invite and share feedback with my staff, it has had a very positive impact on our culture.

You have a fantastic message and an awesome presentation style.

Tara Bishop, CAE, Associate Executive Director Happy Client Logo

I’ve gotten lots of good feedback about today’s training. Thank you! In our afternoon meeting, we took time to answer a couple of the questions posed during your session. It was great fun and VERY educational. Folks laughed and had an honest conversation – it was great!

Shelly J. Spalding, Chief Operations Officer Happy Client Logo

I enjoyed your presentation at Colorado College yesterday. The program was very worthwhile. It offered fresh, common sense ways to solve awkward communication problems. It also offered an innovative way to bring a new person into the work place.

Marj Webster, Research Analyst Happy Client Logo

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