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Contact us for virtual speaking and training!

When given a perfect diamond – you flaunt it! That is what the FPA team delivered at the Leadership Conference. Your opening session was the best that I have seen in 10 years. The information you presented was extremely useful. We are already using a couple of the concepts at our chapter.

Being able to connect with everyone in the audience was artful. Your sense of humor supported the concepts so they would be remembered. Attendees left the room talking about how good the session was. That’s the real payoff!

I hope that FPA will bring you again.

Christine P. Brown, Chapter Executive Happy Client Logo
How to Say Anything to Anyone by Shari Harley

Leadership Keynote Speeches &
Breakout Sessions


We provide a series of management leadership development programs to make leading and managing employees, volunteers and organizations faster and easier. Our business management training programs teach leaders what they need to know to manage individuals, teams, boards of directors and departments effectively.

Benefits of Shari Harley’s Leadership Keynote Speeches & Breakout Sessions

  • Get and keep the right employees and volunteers.
  • Address performance issues when they happen with more comfort and ease.
  • Difficult conversations become easier.
  • Create an environment in which people perform at their best.
  • Use management training to bring fun back to work.

Business Management Training Speeches & Breakout Sessions


Click Here to Contact Shari | 303.863.0948



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