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I have been talking about you and your material since your class.  It was superb.

I have been to three really good classes in my 24 years in law enforcement and your class was the best.  I would be willing to send folks to any of your topics on communication skills and/or leadership.

Kim Stewart, Town of Erie Police Department Happy Client Logo
How to Say Anything to Anyone by Shari Harley

Sales Management Speaking:
Where Did My Customers Go? Get More Customers. Keep More Customers.

where did my customers go thumbnailCustomers provide us with clear feedback. They hire us, or they don’t. They return our calls, or they don’t. They refer others, or they don’t. Unfortunately when customers are dissatisfied, they don’t tell us. They vote with their feet. 99.99% percent of customer turnover is predictable. The signs are everywhere. We just don’t know what they are, because, for the most part, customers don’t tell us. Customers leave and we never know why. Use our corporate sales speaking to truly understand what your customers need and why they hire or fire you. Never get fired again and be surprised.

Benefits of Business Speaker Shari Harley’s Sales Management Program:

  • Increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, referrals, and commitment.
  • Get more customers. Keep more customers. Make more money.
  • Take control of your business.

Sales Management Speaking Agenda:

  • Start new customer relationships powerfully and strengthen existing relationships.
  • Become more knowledgeable about your customers’ needs, likes and dislikes.
  • Gather feedback, enabling you to manage service levels and the impression you create with customers.
  • Know your reputation with customers and prospects.
  • Eliminate behaviors that diminish your success.

Who Should Attend Our Sales Speaking:

Sales and service professionals who want more customers, repeat business and referrals.

Business Sales Speaking Presentation Style:

Our business sales speaking program is useful, fun and insightful. Participants will get tools and techniques that are easy to use and produce immediate results.

Business Sales Speaking Program Length:

45-minutes to a half day, depending on program content.


Click Here to Contact Shari | 303.863.0948

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