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Management Training & Leadership Training:
How to Say Anything to Anyone – for Leaders & Managers Setting Expectations for Powerful Working Relationships

  • how to say anything thumbnailOne of your direct reports is consistently inappropriately dressed for work. It’s impacting her reputation, but . . . you don’t say anything.
  • You have a request for your boss but you don’t know how to say it, so . . . you don’t say anything.
  • One of your colleagues doesn’t include you on communications that affect your department. You’re frustrated but don’t know what to say, so you don’t say anything.

Speaking up when we are frustrated is hard and as a result, most of us don’t. Instead, we tell other people or say nothing and performance either stays the same or gets worse.

  • Leaders and managers, you can say anything to anyone and have it be easy.
  • You just need to lay the ground work to do so, and most leaders and managers don’t.

Benefits of Management Leadership Development:

  • Working relationships are smooth. There is less drama, gossip and miscommunication.
  • Candid conversations become easier and more natural.
  • Employees are engaged, focused and performing at a high level.
  • More gets done in less time.

Management Leadership Training Agenda:

  • Establish trust in working relationships, making performance discussions easier.
  • Set expectations with employees, colleagues and direct supervisors, so everyone’s expectations are clear.
  • Determine what motivates your employees, so you can keep them engaged and focused.
  • Create working relationships with direct reports, peers and internal customers that work.
  • Decrease silos. Increase teamwork and partnership.
  • Receive more feedback and implement it.

Leadership Training Program Length:

90-minutes to a full day, depending on content.

Leadership Training Presentation Style:

The management leadership development program is business focused, interactive, fun and packed with immediately applicable techniques.

Who Should Attend Our Leadership Training:

Leaders, managers, supervisors and HR professionals.

Click Here to Contact Shari | 303.863.0948

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