Call Shari 303-863-0948 or Email Us

Contact us for virtual speaking and training!

Best keynote speaker ever at NCHRA.  Only presenter I didn’t tune out!

This one made the conference for me – thanks!

Thanks for the feedback formula.  It will give me steps to take when I’m back at the office and I have o deal with conversations that are tough to have.

Shari was a fantastic presenter; engaging and passionate about her subject matter.

She had great examples of ways to apply her concepts in work & personal life.

Great “how to” presenter.  Please ask her back!

Northern California Human Resources Association Members Happy Client Logo
How to Say Anything to Anyone by Shari Harley

Designing & Delivering Powerful Presentations

Becoming a more polished speaker comes with knowing how to assemble data you know well, in a format that will engage others, and sharing that information in a way that is captivating and informative.  At the end of this training participants will have the skills and tools they need to design engaging presentations and deliver them effectively.

Results You Can Expect:

  • Design and deliver powerful presentations to get and keep audiences’ attention
  • Increase your comfort level speaking in front of any group
  • Present information clearly and succinctly
  • Manage participant involvement. Keep presentations focused and on-track.
  • Use your body language and voice to increase your effectiveness
  • Use a variety of visual aids effectively

Course Agenda

  • Get tools and techniques to be comfortable in front of any audience
  • Design presentations that are focused, relevant, and engaging
  • Using story-telling to share information and be persuasive
  • Preparation:  How to prepare to deliver an effective presentation every time
  • Create and use compelling visual aids: Appropriate uses of PowerPoint, handouts, flipcharts, etc.
  • Know your audience: Understand why participants are attending your presentation, how much they know about the subject matter, and what they need to leave satisfied
  • Interact well with your audience: Field questions and manage challenging attendees
  • Use appropriate body language and physical presence to strengthen your message and credibility
  • Eliminate non-words (uh’s and um’s) and physical distractions

Time Frame and Logistics:

  • Participants:  Maximum of 8 participants who will each deliver and receive coaching on a minimum of two presentations
  • All participants’ presentations will be videotaped for coaching and development

Preparation:  Participants should prepare a 5 and 10 minute presentation to will deliver.  The presentation should be content they are familiar with, preferably a part of a presentation they deliver regularly or will have to deliver in the near future.


Click Here to Contact Shari | 303.863.0948

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