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Wow. That was the first thing that registered in my brain, when you got going. Wow. This lady is funny! She really knows what she’s talking about! I frantically took notes on things that I could apply to the issue I was dealing with that very morning. Listening to your speech made me realize that the entire issue we were having was due to a communication break down between a customer, my ops team, and myself. People were emailing instead of calling, which made certain people feel that their needs weren’t a priority. The customer was calling the wrong person because they assumed they were the right person. Basically, the whole thing boiled down to communication, or lack thereof- Lack of asking the important questions, Lack of asking the customer how they wanted to communicate with us around a specific topic.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. After your session, I dashed back to my rental car and jumped on the phone with my team and then with our customer. The issue was resolved right there in the parking lot.

Thank you once again for making such a big impact and helping to solve my workplace dilemma. I’m looking forward to sharing your innovative way of approaching communication in the workplace and applying it to my work life in the future.

Ashleigh Holmes, Key Account Manager Happy Client Logo
How to Say Anything to Anyone by Shari Harley

Just Say It Making ANY Conversation Easy

just say it thumbnailGiving feedback is challenging for everyone. No one wants to hear that she isn’t doing a good job. And thus no one wants to tell her. Telling your boss you’re frustrated or aren’t hitting your targets can be even more difficult, and thus many of us don’t. Worse, is that most feedback, positive or negative, is useless because it’s vague.

Get a simple formula to make even the most difficult conversation easier. Conversations will be short, specific and on point. They won’t be personal. They will be actionable. You’ll be able to say what you want to say, when you want to say it, in a way that the other person can hear you and take action.

Outcomes to Expect:

  • Package and deliver difficult messages, managing the impression you create
  • Give clear and specific feedback that employees can act upon immediately
  • Provide feedback to peers, direct supervisors, and others at a higher level in a way that does not elicit defensive responses
  • Demonstrate commitment to developing employees’ careers and retain key talent
  • Eliminate personal and department blind spots, giving you the power to take action, solve problems and ensure initiatives stay on track and produce results
  • Receive more feedback without showing emotion or frustration


Click Here to Contact Shari | 303.863.0948

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