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Peter Weber – American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

I just attended the best one hour learning session in my career while at the ASAE Great Ideas Conference. I received more useful tips about management and leadership during this session than I have in 30 years of professional business management and continuing education courses. If you want to teach your managers how to be more effective (or need to brush up on your own skills), I recommend hiring Shari Harley to help you build business relationships that really work!

Every manager (from CEO of a Fortune 500 Company to a shift manager at McDonalds) should be required to take ten hours of training with Shari before being allowed to manage people.

Greg Giesen, University of Denver

It’s both my pleasure and honor to acknowledge Shari for presenting her “How to Say Anything to Anyone” talk to the University of Denver community during our Professional Development Week. Shari’s candid style and humor won over the packed house of faculty and staff the moment she began speaking. And to no surprise, she received the highest ratings of all of our speakers during the week. So much so in fact, that bringing her back next year is a “no-brainer.” So if you get a chance to bring her into your organization or conference, do it before someone else books her.

Maya Cleveland, US Foods

I just wanted to reach out to you and say THANK YOU!!! I met you at the WFF conference a few weeks ago and I can honestly say that your seminar was the one that I walked out of and felt truly changed my life.

I’m reading your book and haven’t put it down since I got it out of the package! It is such a great reference for all types of communication.

I was asked when I returned from WFF to put together a presentation for our President and executive staff, and I did 2-3 slides of the presentation your class alone. My VP of Sales was so impressed by the topic and my key takeaways that he asked me to come and present to his District Manager Team and I did. It was a hit!

The energy and level of engagement in active and productive feedback here at our division has been taken to another level and I had to make sure to take a moment to say THANK YOU!  I truly feel that you have changed the way I lead and communicate both personally and professionally.

Verneen Ritoli Paradise

I have been going to meetings and conferences for 25 years and have seen many, many speakers. I was instantly interested, entertained, and learned something new, useful, and inspiring from you. You are talented, funny, and insightful. I will use your system and teachings not only professionally but also personally.

Ashleigh Holmes

Wow. That was the first thing that registered in my brain, when you got going. Wow. This lady is funny! She really knows what she’s talking about! I frantically took notes on things that I could apply to the issue I was dealing with that very morning. Listening to your speech made me realize that the entire issue we were having was due to a communication break down between a customer, my ops team, and myself. People were emailing instead of calling, which made certain people feel that their needs weren’t a priority. The customer was calling the wrong person because they assumed they were the right person. Basically, the whole thing boiled down to communication, or lack thereof- Lack of asking the important questions, Lack of asking the customer how they wanted to communicate with us around a specific topic.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. After your session, I dashed back to my rental car and jumped on the phone with my team and then with our customer. The issue was resolved right there in the parking lot.

Thank you once again for making such a big impact and helping to solve my workplace dilemma. I’m looking forward to sharing your innovative way of approaching communication in the workplace and applying it to my work life in the future.

Kassy Schimkaitis

Thank you so much for the time you spent with Frito Lay this morning! It was fantastic – the team raved about it all afternoon. Some people just have the “gift” of public speaking — and you’ve got it!
You definitely were the highlight of the meeting.

Stacey Alexander

I’ve seen Shari in a room with over 250 people, and we were all dying laughing while learning some of the best culture and work relationship tips.

She has great advice, is a fantastic speaker, and her stories and lessons are relevant to every person in any audience.

Northern California Human Resources Association Members

Best keynote speaker ever at NCHRA.  Only presenter I didn’t tune out!

This one made the conference for me – thanks!

Thanks for the feedback formula.  It will give me steps to take when I’m back at the office and I have o deal with conversations that are tough to have.

Shari was a fantastic presenter; engaging and passionate about her subject matter.

She had great examples of ways to apply her concepts in work & personal life.

Great “how to” presenter.  Please ask her back!

Michelle Schmelter

I have gone to a million conferences/seminars and thought they were all like Charlie Brown’s teacher. But I felt like I really got what you were saying and you reeled me in!

I hope to spread “your word” and get more of our team to give feedback.

Thanks again!

Kelly Morra

Your presentation at EACUBO was awesome!

Loved your rapport with the crowd and ability to address serious issues while making us a laugh as well. Well done.

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