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Jeffrey Little

I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your presentation yesterday at the Orange County FPA meeting in Irvine. It’s nice to have a presenter who doesn’t take herself so seriously and is able to be herself in front of such a large audience.

Two things you said in your presentation that stood out to me:

1) Clients would appreciate it if I expressed to them directly my desire to have a great relationship that is open to feedback so that their client experience would be even more enjoyable

2) I can only improve my reputation if I understand how I am being perceived

AIMS Community College

Powerful – loaded with application and insight. Wonderful speaker! Funny, real and useful. Very positive and provided actual tools to support good theories that have been well researched in leadership and management theories.

The Apartment Association of Colorado

Shari’s presentation was engaging, humorous and real to life. It was like talking to a friend with something important to say. She provided great tips on dealing with customers and co-workers. I would recommend this class to anyone who works with either the public or co-workers.

Shelly J. Spalding

I’ve gotten lots of good feedback about today’s training. Thank you! In our afternoon meeting, we took time to answer a couple of the questions posed during your session. It was great fun and VERY educational. Folks laughed and had an honest conversation – it was great!

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