Goals for the New Year – Have the Best Year of Your Life
Now is when people set New Year’s goals. Our goal at Candid Culture is to help you have a year filled with the people and things you enjoy most. Here are 12 of our best tips for creating the best year yet.
Goals for the New Year #1: Do what feels good.
How many ‘friends’ do you have that after you spend time with them, you actually feel worse? How often do you eat food you know you’ll regret later? Or procrastinate on a project that leads to late nights and lots of stress? If you know something doesn’t make you feel good, stop doing it. If you know someone makes you feel worse, stop spending time with that person.
Goals for the New Year #2: Pick your battles.
There are a lot of things you could legitimately get upset about. Wait to get annoyed. Time brings clarity. Chances are that what’s upsetting today, won’t be nearly as frustrating tomorrow.
Goals for the New Year #3: Help someone else be successful.
Make time to be available for your friends, coworkers, and family, and help them get what they want. The world is better when we focus on someone other than ourselves.
Goals for the New Year #4: Ask for more. Do something that scares you.
It’s so easy to play it safe. But safe is not where the juice is. I’m not suggesting you invest your life savings in risky investments or quit your job before having another one. I am suggesting you try something you’re not sure you can do and say yes, when you’re filled with fear.
Goals for the New Year #5: Avoid drama. Reduce the gossip.
Drama is just a way to say that you need attention. And we all need attention. Just tell the people in your life you need a little love, don’t be shy about it.
Gossip is inherently negative. Avoid people who are always complaining. Spending time with them is exhausting.
Goals for the New Year #6: Wear clothes that make you feel fantastic.
We always feel better when we look good. Take the time to look good. And then periodically lie around your house in clothing that should never see the light of day. And order a pizza, or two.
Goals for the New Year #7: Sleep more. Take time off.
Everything is bigger and feels worse when we’re tired. We get more done, are more patient, and feel better about everything when we’ve had enough sleep.
This ‘thing’ in our country that it looks bad to take time off and someone can’t possibly take all of their vacation time is, forgive me for being so direct, the most stupid thing I have ever heard. People aren’t judging you for taking a vacation. And if they are, then the company shouldn’t have given you the time off in the first place. Get a passport and use it!
Goals for the New Year #8: Do one thing at a time.
Multitasking is bunk. It doesn’t exist, unless you’re driving and talking on the phone, or washing dishes and talking on the phone. Working on a project, while intermittently checking and responding to emails is why you can’t take a vacation.
Goals for the New Year #9: Ask people’s expectations. Don’t assume.
Other people don’t necessarily need, want, or expect what you do. If you’re killing yourself to do something in the way you think someone else wants, perhaps ask what the other person is expecting, and give yourself a break.
Goals for the New Year #10: Ask for feedback. Wait 24-hours before responding.
Be courageous. Ask for feedback (when you’re in a good mood and have had a full night’s sleep), and wait to respond. We’ll say crazy stuff, that we’ll surely regret later, when we’re upset.
Goals for the New Year #11: Give people the benefit of the doubt.
It’s so easy to judge, make assumptions, and jump to conclusions. It’s so much harder and more time consuming to suspend doubt, inquire, and decide later. Many careers and relationships have been damaged by assuming first and asking later, if at all.
Goals for the New Year #12: Know that you’re a rock star. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.
If you don’t think you’re great – at something –none of the nice things anyone else tells you will matter. Fill your own bucket.
Add a comment to the blog about which of the 12 practices you aim to do regularly, and we’ll enter your company into a drawing for a $1000 off your next training with us, because what makes me feel good, is working with you.
Happy New Year! Wishing you a year like no other.